Wednesday, July 4, 2012

'Myne myne...'

So it's finally started! The all to well toddler version of owning everything with the words 'mine' or 'myne'.. And it's actually so cute.. He says it without realizing I'm listening.. This morning he was walking in the TV/ toy room and picked up his blocks saying 'myne myne'.. And tonight when I took him upstairs for his bath I picked up his 'padda' to go with and the moment he saw him in my hands he stuck out his hands in this little open and close fist motion and grabbed frog saying 'myne myne'... Now I'm sure those who've been through this whole experience before, says the novelty wears off, especially when 'myne myne' becomes a screaming match.. but I'm loving my little boy's sense of self and ownership and independence that's emerging more and more every day..

Ethan has now discovered his voice and he's really chatting away.. With a little scream every now and then as well.. It's really cute and Jaydon finds it fascinating as well.. 'Ti-aah-aa-a-uh' every time Ethan 'chats' with us...

Here's some photos of the last few days..

On Monday we spent some time outside and played with bubbles and water.. Seeing that we have the most beautiful winter days right now I've thought we might as well make use of this lovely weather.. I took a few photos while he was playing..

And then he discovered the broom again...
And is now a boy on a mission...!

And some others... just random ones of things we did the last few days..

Sunday afternoon walk with dad..
'Do I know you??' Ethan seeing himself in the oven.
Choosing more books...
'I'm an elephant!'
Taking his morning nap.
Still a favorite.. the earbuds everywhere..!
Applying some lip-ice... everywhere.....
The curlers again... 
'Padda' in his borrowed wheelbarrow...

Watching the bigger kids on their big bikes at the park....
Figuring out the 'click pen'.. 
We bought a new broom... He wouldn't let go... ;-)

Jaydon has discovered he can hide in our clothes cupboard and this is now a big game when I get dressed in the morning..

I'm now also on a real mission to get Ethan to drink from a bottle.. Breastfeeding has been so convenient seeing that I was a lot more relaxed about where and how and when.. and well I really didn't anticipate it to be such a big struggle once he had to drink from a bottle.. but we'll get there.. at least we've got another 5,5 weeks at home. Going to get another one or two different make bottles as well and test them all... this story to be continued.......

I'm still loving this time with my boys and really just making the most of the last few weeks we have before reality sets in again.. for now we loving it
 - to sleep in on cold winter mornings
 - stay in our pajamas till almost mid day when we feel like it..
 - visiting friends impulsively and baking cup cakes when we get there just because we feel like it..
 - going for long walks
 - singing loudly to Carike Keuzenkamp dvd's as no one is here to listen besides us..
 - taking long afternoon naps and eating some chocolate when we wake up, just because we can..
 - enjoying the long days we have together..
 - getting hugs and kisses whenever we feel like it, just because we can...

Motherhood is near divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. Howard W Hunter

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