Saturday, July 27, 2013


Broken dreams...
Broken realities...
Broken hearts...

This my child is part of the circle of life....

One day your life is perfect and the next you're grasping for air, when out of nowhere your perfect is suddenly lying in a hundred pieces around you...


and you have no idea how and if the pieces will ever fit together again... You struggle to see the light and some days you're not sure if you'll ever feel 'whole' again..

And then..

Slowly - you learn to breathe normal again..
Slowly - you see the sun shining again..
Slowly - you realise that healing comes by loving and to mend a broken heart, the only glue that'll hold the pieces together is love....

And dear child I want you to know that in your brokenness lies #grace.. Because it's only through allowing God to work through His grace that you become truly whole again..
And only through His grace can you see beauty more clearly,
Can you love more deeply...

And through His grace your broken leads to your new whole..
You grow, you learn, you become different.. And in that lies the beauty you should always seek to find..

Yes broken is nót nice, it is nót easy, it is nót something I wish you to experience often in your life, but when you do, because you will..
I want you to allow your 'being broken' to lead to your 'being whole' be something more beautiful than it was before..... Only then can your broken be something that God can use for you to getting closer to what He had in mind for you all along....

I love you so much my child....

This is my post for #fiveminutefriday. I'm linking up to Bible love notes and Fellowship Fridays..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I love this. It's so true. Thank you

  2. The photo in your headers is beautiful and your thoughts here are lovely, real, and uplifting. Thanks for sharing them on Bible Love Notes. I hope you will add an About page to your blog so we can know more about you too.

    1. Thank you Gail. Will be updating the blog in the upcoming weeks. For now, I'm I a mother of two gorgeous boys, 1,5 and almost 3. I'm writing for them, things I want to teach them, memories I want to remember, dreams of what is still to come.
      Thank you for your beautiful sight and I am so glad I got to learn about it.
