It's Saturday morning, a rather chilly one for spring and I'm lying in bed next to you while you having your first morning nap... I miss these moments my sweet baby boy.. I miss just walking up to you and hugging you whenever I feel like it during the day.. But this morning I'm savoring the moment, taking in every detail of you, and hearing you breathe so peacefully next to me, soothes my sometimes aching heart. I'm so thankful that even though these moments are now further apart, we still have them and today 'it's heaven....'
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Sleeping with his bunny |
I cannot believe that I've been back at work a month already.. It feels to me somedays as if everyday are speeding away faster and faster. It's crazy how time just run away from us.. It's been a really eventful five weeks and even though on the one hand time is going too fast I'm glad we are here, five weeks down the line and not in hospital like that first week. I'm slowly but surely finding my feet at work, some days it feels like I've never been away and other days I walk in there and it feels like it's been forever since I've been there.. Things are actually a lot better than I thought it would be, besides it being really busy right now.. I was dreading to go back but the move I made last year to the Foundation was probably the best thing that could've happened, I enjoy the people, love the projects we are involved with and it's just in general a better environment for me as a mommy. So I'm so grateful that this is the place I could go back to..
He just loves playing on the trailer outside... |
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Taking a Sunday afternoon nap with dad... |
Sitting so nicely in the big feeding chair now! |
Jaydon had another hair cut last week... He can really put up a 'grumpy face' when he wants too... He was actually so well behaved... Sat still the whole time! :-)
Seriously.. why are we doing this? |
Went to see aunt Jo's stand last Sunday.. Jaydon absolutely loved playing in the heaps of sand lying around.. The foundations are now set and starting the walls this week! Lots of excitement...
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Look at me! |
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Aunt Jo, Ethan and Jaydon |
Had lunch at the purple cow again...
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Jaydon on the jungle gym, but had to stop halfway to first take a bit of his fish finger... |
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Aunt Jo and Ethan |
Ethan is now sitting like a big boy and not falling/slouching over any more.. Still amazes me how one day they keep falling over and the next day they just manages to stay put, and sit so nicely... This is now becoming more fun for Jaydon as well.. He almost goes and sit on top of Ethan when he tries to sit next to him and Ethan really 'sitting' his ground now.. I think it will become more and more fun for the boys to spend time together..
This photo of Michael and Ethan is the last one for this post, and I just love it.. Michael has such a wonderful bond with both boys.. They really adore him and I feel so grateful every time I see it.. This is one of my favourite photos..
For my boys, Always remember this -
ou're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think..' ~ Christopher Robin, Winnie the pooh