Friday, July 19, 2013


Oh what it is to belong..!

To have a place you can call home, to be loved, to be wanted, to be needed... These are some of the strongest feelings and emotions you'll feel throughout your life my boys.. This makes life beautiful.. And yet these feelings and emotions are those you have to treat so carefully, like a delicate treasure, because to belong is something we all want to feel.... But these should not lead or guide you where you go, because no matter where you are and what you do you already belong.

You are a child of The Most High.. The King of the heavens hold you in His hand.. Your days were all already known by Him before you were even born.. And my boys, he died on a cross for you so you will never have to seek belonging anywhere else,
because you are His..

Your identity lies in Him, your worth is in Him, your security lies in Him.. And that is why I want you to know it is OK to some days feel like you don't belong, to sometimes feel like you don't fit in, because you were created for more.
You were created for Him. And it is OK if you are somewhere and you don't always feel like you belong. because thise days will come, the days when you join a new school, a new team, need to make new friends, start a new job, so many times in your life you'll feel the need to belong again... as long as you know Who holds you in the palm of His hand because that my beautiful boys, is enough..

This is my post for Belong on #fiveminutefriday over at Go have a look and join in... I'm also linking up with #fellowshipfridays at

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Beautiful! It is such a wonderful truth to know that we DO belong & we DO matter to Him! Thank you for sharing this.I was your neighbor at Faithful Friday.

    1. Thank you Joanne.. It is so easy to forget and I hope I can instill this truth for them over and over.. Glad we were neighbors today..:)

  2. What a beatuiful prayer for your little ones. I so love that our God wants to bring us inside His circle - not play power games and leave us outside!

    1. So true and so wonderfully said... 'God wants to bring us inside His circle, and not leave us outside..' Thank you...!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Denise..Appreciate your comments so much.. xx

  4. I need to remember to say this to my own boys. "And that is why I want you to know it is OK to some days feel like you don't belong, to sometimes feel like you don't fit in, because you were created for more."
    Maybe I need a plaque or something in my house that says that. Love your post.

    1. Oh, thank you so much Jen. Appreciate it so much, as a mother we just want to protect them against feeling like they don't belong and I just hope I can instill this truth as well so these feelings will be fleeting and they will know Whose they are... x

  5. This is the post I needed to read this week. Thank you for bringing me back to where I need to be. Because maybe *I* need a plaque or something in my house that says that" -- for *me* to read and remember.
    Blessings to you!


    1. Thank you Sylvia. Your comment mean so much, and I am truly thankful that my post could mean something to you. xxx
