It's been a while again.. And instead of trying to catch up I'm starting with the new year things and go back to the few posts of last year I still want to do after this one...
Decided to bake something with the boys this morning while Michael went into the office a bit.. What started with wanting to make scones eventually became a flour filled kitchen... I took out two old packets of cake flour which was in my fridge and thought I'd see what the boys do... Needless to say they absolutely loved it! We had so much fun and yes cleaning up was quite a job, but the special moments and squeals of laughter makes it all worth it!!

They were rolling on the floor and throwing the flour all over the place...

And yes, big brother had to rub it all over Ethan's hair!

And he's favorite Christmas present (lawnmower) (from Aunty Jo) had to be dragged in with the fun!

And yes it was a mess afterwards! We all had to go bath! But it was a wonderful fun-filled way to start the year and just get on the floor and play with my boys.. Oh how much I love them..
It's the beginning of another new year and it's funny how we always get nostalgic but also have so many dreams for what lies ahead.. And yes there are fears for the unknown and the things we have no control over.. But my prayer this year for my boys is that we will go into this year knowing we are not alone, knowing God already knows every step we'll take and if we leave it up to Him our life will be so much richer, so much fuller than we can ever dream..
I want you to know my boys, even though I'm not with you every part of the day you are in my heart every minute of the day. Even though I cannot hold you close when you fall or bump your toe, I'm lifting you up in prayer and I know God holds you in His hand every second of the day..
You are so precious, every second with you a gift.. And I guess I'm taking so much photos of you whenever I can cause it helps me when I'm not with you and whenever I look back at them I just realize how quickly you grow up and that we need to cherish these times cause soon it'll only be a memory...
I love you my boys.. You fill my life with unending beautiful moments...
'I've housed your body. Now you house my soul..' @phoenixandsimone - Instagram_kids moderator
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They sure did have fun, and I loved your "snowey" kitchen ��