'It's in the small things that we discover the joys of life....'
...'my two boys running around the house naked after bath time...'
...'daddy coming home early unexpectedly and we end up playing in the park till after sunset, catching balls and flying aeroplanes...'
...'watching them long after they've gone to sleep, thanking God for these two miracles in our life...'
...'seeing someone special after a long time and catching up is the most natural thing, like you haven't even been apart...'
...'holding little hands in yours and knowing the love you feel for them is bigger than anything else in this world...'
It's when you experience God's grace unexpectedly and you know there is so much more to life than everything we are chasing after...
It's knowing that no matter where life take you, family will always be home and it's the small things they do that become the big things...
And this my boys is what I want you to remember, there will be many big events in your life and those may be anything from going to school the first time to your wedding day, the really wonderful ones.... and then there might be the ones where you bury a loved one way too soon and life might be falling apart for a while.....
But throughout your life, in those in-between moments there will be many small moments which will be the ones that will carry you through.... And mostly those will be the ones where God's grace will bigger and more than you'd ever imagined...
Because one day you will look back and it will be the small moments that make up the tapestry of your life and if you look carefully, they will be the ones that add up to make your life more beautiful than you could ever imagine.. And that my boys is what make life worth living for.....
TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMP)
I'm linking up with Five minute Friday , Fellowship Fridays and Bible Love notes
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It's in the small things that we discover the joys of life.. I'm writing to celebrate, to remember, to dream and hope and just to enjoy the countless blessings we have in our life.. Give all glory to God, for it is only through His grace that I have all these blessings to share... and memories to make....

Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16 AMP)
What a wonderful thought this is... God knew our story even before we were born.. All the days of our life were written in His book, before one of them came to be...
It's comforting, it's almost daunting, yet I know our lives are completely in His hands.. And that is the perfect place to be...
I love You Lord, I love that You know me inside and out and nothing is hidden from You..
My prayer for you my boys, is that You will seek God first always.. Let Him guide You in EvErYtHiNg you do.. The story God has planned for you is more beautiful. More amazing. More uplifting. Has more impact. More exciting. And captures the imagination in more ways and forms than you will ever begin to realise. And that is why I want you to follow Him in everything. There may be times when His way might seem unreasonable, unpopular, not what you had in mind but when you let go of all that, and you look back you will realise what He had in mind for you surpasses all that you had dreamed of.
I also pray that you will early on discover His plan and ideal for your life and that you will always follow His guidance, in the end if you fulfilled the destiny He has in mind for you, your story will be absolutely amazing..
My prayer for you my boys is that as your story unfolds, you will touch lives more profoundly, love others more deeply, Glorify His Name in every way possible and that your life will be an amazing story of hope and love and that no one around you will be able to doubt for one second who is the real Author of your story....
I cannot wait to see it, to be a part of it, and I already thank God for what He has planned and what He will do to accomplish it!
I'm linking up to fiveminutefriday and Fellowship Friday's, go over have a look and join in!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
What a wonderful thought this is... God knew our story even before we were born.. All the days of our life were written in His book, before one of them came to be...
It's comforting, it's almost daunting, yet I know our lives are completely in His hands.. And that is the perfect place to be...
I love You Lord, I love that You know me inside and out and nothing is hidden from You..
My prayer for you my boys, is that You will seek God first always.. Let Him guide You in EvErYtHiNg you do.. The story God has planned for you is more beautiful. More amazing. More uplifting. Has more impact. More exciting. And captures the imagination in more ways and forms than you will ever begin to realise. And that is why I want you to follow Him in everything. There may be times when His way might seem unreasonable, unpopular, not what you had in mind but when you let go of all that, and you look back you will realise what He had in mind for you surpasses all that you had dreamed of.
I also pray that you will early on discover His plan and ideal for your life and that you will always follow His guidance, in the end if you fulfilled the destiny He has in mind for you, your story will be absolutely amazing..
My prayer for you my boys is that as your story unfolds, you will touch lives more profoundly, love others more deeply, Glorify His Name in every way possible and that your life will be an amazing story of hope and love and that no one around you will be able to doubt for one second who is the real Author of your story....
I cannot wait to see it, to be a part of it, and I already thank God for what He has planned and what He will do to accomplish it!
I'm linking up to fiveminutefriday and Fellowship Friday's, go over have a look and join in!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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