Thursday, June 28, 2012


I'm sitting with Ethan on my lap and just savoring the way he curves his body snug against mine... I just love the baby stage.. The way he turns his head when he hears my voice, or automatically turns towards me when I hold him cause he knows where he gets his food. How he plays with my fingers while I feed him or how he can just let go while drinking to stare in my eyes for a moment before continuing.. I just love that for him I am the best thing right now... And I'm enjoying this as it is the last reminder of the way he grew in me for 9 months and it's precious memories I'm holding in my heart..

I don't think I've left him for more than an hour ever since he was born and know I need to start doing that.. Preparing him and me for when I go back to work.. A thought I'm pushing to the back of mind whenever it pops up, cause I'm really dreading it.. But I know it's going to happen and well maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll be able to leave him a little longer... But for now I'm just drinking in his closeness his 'already-growing-up-too-fast' little body as he is lying against me... And I'm saving the memory for the days I'm really going to miss him....

So here is a few Ethan-cuteness photos.... I just love everything about him...

Just love his adorable smile.. And off course those eyes!
My little angel..
One day the girls will drool over those lashes..!
Just playing with my hand..
'Cause I'm so cute and all....
Baby-licsious legs!
Chilling with Tigger...
Cannot resist taking a photo every time he is in his bear suit...
Even when he is crying he is just gorgeous.....

The little things are most worthwhile - a quiet word, a look, a smile. Margaret Lindsey

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