It's taken me a week to get this one done (two little boys can be demanding!).. but here it is....
Last week we had a hair cut for Jaydon and seeing him now with his short hair he really looks like the big boy he has become and I'm so proud when I look at him... It's funny how one day you see your 'baby boy' and the next day he is your 'big boy'... he is growing up so fast and I find it amazing how quickly he is developing and learning new things.. I've decided to keep him at home with me till I go back to work and it's so nice spending so much time with both boys and experiencing everything together.
It's a serious business this hair cutting thing... |
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The new hair style... |
They say 'sharing is caring'... And Jaydon is now also becoming the sharing 'big brother'.. he started to share his toys (which for now is great as Ethan doesn't take it yet..) and with every meal once he decided he is done eating he takes a spoonful and want to share it with Ethan. I have to stand close just to make sure Ethan doesn't get a spoonful for real! And if Ethan doesn't 'want' Tigger gets it, obviously Tigger is not interested either and Jaydon chases after him through the house till everything eventually lands on the floor, then very upset he'll call me pointing to the mess and with his trademark 'Ti-aaah-aa-aa-uuh-uu' ask me to clean it up or tries to do it himself if I'm not quick enough! Which gets me to his other favorite activity..
'Cleaning'.. whether it is wiping the floor (it has to be with a baby wipe or wet cloth though, jip very demanding already about exactly why to use), or the side of the bath, the chairs in his room or even the toilet seat cover.. It's his favorite thing to do while I'm getting Ethan ready to bath and he takes a face cloth and wipe all over the bathroom. Last night he started to clean the shower too, he climbs in close the door and cleans everywhere, and dare we take him out before he is done!... '
aaahhh how my future daughter-in-law will one day thank me if we can keep this going...'
The other day Ethan started crying in the car so Jaydon leaned over and started 'rocking' the car seat.. he's obviously picked up on me doing it and decided to help mom while I was driving (or maybe he just wanted the noise to stop.!!).. A classic example of them picking up on what we do and then copying...
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On my stomach, practicing those push-ups.. |
My hand is just yummy! |
Ethan has started to really belly laugh for me.. It's so cute, and I can sit and make him laugh just so I can get a giggle myself! He's also doing some mini push-ups when I place him on his tummy.. Guess its not long before he starts rolling over.. He's realised he can grab his hanging toys and can now amuse himself quite a bit under the play gym.. Even though the boys are so close and it feels like just yesterday when Jaydon reached all these milestones, I just love experiencing it all again with Ethan.. It's such a blessing to have both boys healthy and happy.
I'm also attaching some more random pictures taken this week... xxx
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Playing in the balls at C'est la vie yesterday.. |
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Trying on mommy's shoes... |
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So cool with mommy's glasses.. |
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Just look at me!! |
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'Posing' with his glasses on.. |
At Little kickers just checking out the other kids.. |
'You take my little hand and lead the way, for I can only learn what you teach me' Kerry-Lynn
I pray that one day we'll look back and see we've taught them enough, but most of all that they will remember the laughs, hugs and kisses and feel secure in the home we've created.. we're holding their hands for only a short while, it's a huge responsibility but also what a privelege to have these little hands to hold...
Oh they're definitely going to remember the laughs and hugs and kisses... you don't give them a chance to forget!! ;)